Darren Smith

Kick-on Mark!

Hi and thanks for visiting my fundraising page. This year I'm riding in honour of my work-bestie's brother, Mark Thompson. Mark was diagnosed with oral cancer last year.  So as show of support for someone who makes work fun (Lee-Anne), I ride in honour of Mark.  Mark recently completed radiation treatment which was worse than his extensive oral surgery. So good on you Mark, another milestone in the fight against cancer!  
Besides your generous donation, I also fundraise by selling old bikes. I have a very generous friend, Mike Satori (pictured), who is continually donating bikes to the cause. 
Thanks to everyone for your donations. Every donation will make a difference in someone's life.   

It starts again :)

Here we go.  This will be my third year doing the MACA 200 ride and I'm kicking things off early.  Fundraising for October 2o24 has officially begun and I"m chuffed.  Thanks to all my supporters over the years and to the MACA 200 organisers for making the effort more than worth it! Last year's effort was a major milestone as I raised $10,260 for cancer research.  Earning me a spot amongst Harry's Heroes. 

I’m riding to beat cancer

There isn’t a single person I know that hasn’t been touched by cancer. Whether it’s through a loved one, friend, family member or it’s much more personal, cancer is a terrible burden.

In 2024, I’m taking a stand against cancer and backing the brilliant brains at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research.

These WA researchers are committed to finding answers faster and developing ground-breaking treatments for the hardest to treat cancers.

Because no one should have to hear those two life-altering words, “It’s cancer.”

I’m training, fundraising and riding 200km to support WA cancer research. But I’m not doing it alone, there’s a growing group of riders who return year after year to this ride. They do so not only because it’s lifechanging but because the event feels like a big reunion - where all the guests are the family you love!

I’d be so grateful for your support.

If you can’t join me (I’d love the company), please give generously to my fundraising page.

Together, we can help make cancer history.

Your Impact

So far this year I helped provide...



Hours of Research

$17,537 Raised since 2019

Thank you to my Sponsors


Hannah Smillie


“fert Man”


Anna Houston

Thanks for the bike Darren, and good luck with the head stand !


Mark Thompson

Thanks Darren for riding in my name. Good luck - you are a champion!


Thomas Trowbridge

Darren, Ride Safe!


Oskar Dax




Ivan Facio


Sarah Snoussi, Lou Marriott, Fiona Humphries, Ann Rollins, Kelly Bee, And Fiona Christie


Sebastien Roocke

Thanks for all the hard work and the bike mate, you're doing great stuff!


Ben Corias




Rik De Meter


Cheers From Tony, Catch On Our Next Ride.

Onya Darren


Lachlan Gan


Kerry Cogdon

Thank you for riding in my cousin Mark's honour.


Sophie Barbuzza


Allison Foster


Linda Cook


Lee-anne Barbuzza

Thank you for your efforts in raising funds for cancer research Darren and for riding in my brother's honour this year, we are both very appreciative...let's kick cancer's butt!


Mike Sartori


Cheers From Tony, Catch On Our Next Ride.


Mike Sartori