First Quantum Minerals 2024

  • Together we can do great things

    There is nothing as powerful as a group of people mobilised behind a deeply personal cause that drives them to achieve things they thought impossible.

    Our cause is cancer and we are committed to supporting the world-class cancer researchers at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research to drive discoveries to help our friends and family battling this terrible disease now and in the future.

    Please help us, help the Perkins by donating to our team.

  • Your Impact

    So far this year we helped provide...



    Hours of Research

Thank you to our Sponsors

Breakthrough Donor


David Pearse


Ivan Ruefli

Go safely and well mate, I'll follow your Strava😊




Joel Prka


Joshua Smith


Pieter Hansen


Dave Kelly



Matched giving


Friend Referral


Sean Egner


Gabrielle Major

Go Josh 💪



Great cause Pieter!


Jules Belli

Good on ya Josh!




Graeme Welch




Natalie Smith

Good on you Josh ♡ good luck xx


Melanie Hill



Slip, Slop, Slap when you’re out and about. Have a good ride Josh.


Ella Jones