JimJamMadRoosters 2024

  • We're on a mission to defeat cancer

    Cancer has taken so much from us. Whether it is a loved one, family member, friend or closer to home, cancer is relentless.

    We want to put a stop to cancer by riding 200kms to raise vital funds for cancer research right here in WA.

    The funds we raise will go to the brilliant minds at the Perkins who are committed to !nding breakthroughs that will lead to improved health outcomes for those aected by the hardest-to-treat diseases.

    Hearing the words “it’s cancer” is heart-wrenching. But with Perkins researchers, we are determined to eliminate the fear and uncertainty that cancer brings.

    On Saturday 12 October and Sunday 13 October 2024, we will pedal alongside my fellow riders who share the dream of making cancer non-lethal. Your support can turn this dream into reality.

    Many riders return every year because they know that the funds we raise go back to the Perkins. It is also a worst kept secret that the Ride is the friendliest cycling charity event in Australia. Why not join us in making a difference?

    Whether you join us on the Ride or contribute to my fundraising page, your generous support matters.

    Together, we can conquer cancer.

  • Your Impact

    So far this year we helped provide...



    Hours of Research

Thank you to our Sponsors

Breakthrough Donor


Tyrepower Pinjarra Tyrepower Pinjarra

Can’t have you not reaching your goal 🍻
Breakthrough Donor


Karen Jackman

Rob, every dollar raised makes a difference but this couldn’t be achieved if you and the boys didn’t put in the commitment. Congratulations to you all your making a difference
Breakthrough Donor


Pilbara Pest Co

Proud of you BIL!
Breakthrough Donor


Bodybuilding Oz

Breakthrough Donor


Natalie Rolt

You are an inspiration <3
Breakthrough Donor


Fred Hopkins Wa

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Matched Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Matched Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Matched Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Matched Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Matched Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Matched Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Matched Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Matched Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Matched Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Matched Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Jjmr Matched Donation

Breakthrough Donor


Steve Lowe

Good Luck Nic, Smash it!
Breakthrough Donor


Versatile Mitre 10

Good luck
Breakthrough Donor


Inez Howell

Great effort, go Roosters xx
Breakthrough Donor


Pressed Earth Juices

Breakthrough Donor


Ge Contracting

Breakthrough Donor


John De Rosa

Breakthrough Donor


Parklands Electrical

Breakthrough Donor


Matt Battye

Breakthrough Donor


Logan Anderson

Good luck Job!
Breakthrough Donor


Maca Matched Giving


Maca Matched Giving


Bruce And Julie Nicholson


Finlay Simper

Go Dad! X



Good luck!!!


Joanne Catalano

Good luck on your ride buddy xxx


Don And Sue Walker

Very proud of your team 👌


Julie Fowden

Thanks for sharing the message Andrew. You’ve been impacted significantly and it’s inspiring to see you doing something that will help people in the future hopefully not go through the same.


Danny Flynn

Hi Andrew wish you and the team a successful journey Regards Danny from Rail Ops Mesa J


Andrew Simper


Nic Belfrage


Phillip Norris

Well done team awesome effort


Sdr Engineering


Emma Height

All the best Ben and team!! We hope you enjoy a few coldies at the end!


Mitchell Cunniffe


Steven Greenwell

Good luck mate to you and your team


Joanne Pendergast

Great cause Deano ! ❤️


Simon Goyder

Go Well Batts, Great cause!


Hill Family

Great stuff mate


Craig Whitehead

Good luck and well done


Julie Rowe


Vicki Norris

So proud of all your team for all the work you put in.


Chandan Patil

All the Best Nic


Chris Lawson


Steffan French


Cam Prentice

Onya Simpa, Panna Pythons boys are proud of ya bud


Frank Lucchese

Well done


Ian And Karen Williams


Mark Battye


Norris Farm


Maca Matched Giving


Aunty Sina

Good luck Jarryd


Bianca Williams

Proud of you!


Maca Matched Giving


Melissa Williams

We are proud of you! Love your girls & Humphrey ❤️


Nathan Chiera


Renae O’brien

Such an amazing effort! We are so proud of you!! Love Renae, Ari, Banks & Smith x


Jason & Nicole Abbonizio

Smash it Jarryd 👌


Julie Battye


Natalie Steel


Bruce Norris


Maca Matched Giving


Larissa Nichols

Awesome work Rob and crew! Goodluck!




Maca Matched Giving


Taj Darnley


Bruce And Julie Nicholson

Good luck Jarryd. Definitely a great course❤️


Ash Battye


Lisa Allsopp

Great cause Nic, well done and all the best with the training!


Gina Furfaro

Good luck Jarryd


Mic And Anna Lucchese

Good on you Jarryd💙💙💙💙


Stefan Lombardo

Well done mate


Marin Ivanov

Good luck big fella you can do it!


Erfan Ahmadi

Hey Nic, great stuff mate. All the best!


Jeremy Taylor



Maca Matched Giving


Maca Matched Giving


Maca Matched Giving


Maca Matched Giving


Maca Matched Giving


Maca Matched Giving


Maca Matched Giving


Maca Matched Giving


Maca Matched Giving


Maca Matched Giving


Andrew Harman


Mary-louise Annison